Processed food recovery approaches can help resolve stubborn diet-related diseases


Listening to her was just one 'Eureka!!' moment after another.

- CME Feedback

Focusing on processed foods and craving triggers is the key to successful outcomes


With a unique combination of extensive academic work and decades on the front lines of the battle for control of food choices, Dr. Ifland's talks are rooted in her rich understanding of the nuances of food cravings.  Her presentations reveal the trauma intense food cravings, loss of control, and associated diet-related diseases. People seek help but receive inadequate guidance that can actually worsen cravings. Audiences learn practical concepts that are easy to understand and implement.

As the lead editor and author of the textbook, Processed Food Addiction, Dr. Ifland is recognized as the leading authority in cravings for processed food. Her presentations are praised for re-framing the epidemics of metabolic syndrome in light of tobacco-style addiction business practices as applied to processed foods.  Dr. Ifland uses humor and poignant stories to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Brilliant presentation of processed food cravings and many practical tools for helping patients.

- CME Feedback



Dr. Ifland is grounded in the science of food cravings by her doctorate in addictive nutrition, as well as numerous publications and of course, her textbook.  Whether the audience is lay people seeking to understand their own struggles with food and health, highly educated credentialed practitioners, or human resource managers, Dr. Ifland opens practical and novel doors to understanding the forces behind food choices.

Dr. Ifland monitors ground-breaking research covering ultra-processed foods.  There is now evidence for the relationship between processed foods and the diet-related diseases that make up 90% of American spending on medical services. With her 29 years of experience, practitioners and human resource managers can find effective support for elimination of processed foods and recovery from many chronic illnesses. Reductions in healthcare costs are within reach. 

She should be at every conference

- CME Feedback

Here are some of Dr. Ifland's speaking topics

Processed food addiction is a wide-ranging and complex condition.  Dr. Ifland breaks it down into highly practical segments that give audiences the confidence that they can beat this driver of diet-related diseases.

Amazing presentation. Loved her breakdown of brain pathways in addiction.

- CME Feedback



Make the Shift from Failed Wellness Programs to the Root Cause of Healthcare Costs: Processed Foods

Tobacco and Processed Foods: How the addiction business model was applied to processed foods at the inception of the obesity epidemic

With a new body of research clearly demonstrating the link between processed foods and chronic illness, the door opens to new mathways to resolution of diet-related diseases and reductions in healthcare costs.  The key lies in the environments in which people work and live.  Recognizing cravings traiggers, making 'real' food easily available, and building skills to enable patients and employees to sustain new habits is the winning focus.

How are Processed Foods Related to 20 Chronic Illnesses?

A surprise: What kind of evidence shows that cravings for processed foods drive diet-related diseases?

This presentation opens audiences' eyes to the startling evidence that processed foods are behind 90% of spending on medical services in the US. New research supports the connection, clearly. Audiences leave with clear conviction that their wellness programs can succeed by focusing on the drivers of processed food consumption. Mental illnesses covered include depression, anxiety/stress, ADD, learning difficulties, Alzheimer's/dementia, stroke and eating disorders. Physical illnesses include diabetes, hypertension, obesity, sleep apnea, cancer, and joint pain. Diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, gut, lung, and reproductive are explained.

Why Wellness Programs Don't Work

Human Resource Managers should prepared to be astonished at the evidence that wellness program do not reduce healthcare costs for anyone.

While healthcare costs are soaring, human resrouce managers may feel like they're to blame because employees are becoming sicket every year. Every Manager deserves to know the truth: the regardless of which approaches are combined into wellness programs, none of them actually reduce healthcare costs.  Studies of screening, cooking classes, incentives, apps, etc. all are shown to result in no change in healthcare costs.  Find out what's missing from programs and what to do instead.

This lady!!! I loved this presentation!!

Her drive and knowledge base is incredible.

-CME Feedback

Food Plans for Recovery from Processed Food

What to eat...really?

With the influence of the processed food industry on media, it is virtually impossible to glean accurate guidance on food choices from popular writing.  The research is increasingly clear that processed foods are the culprit in the epidemics of cancer, obesity, heart disease, dementia, depression, anxiety, and fatigue presently circling the globe. What exactly is a processed food?  Do all diagnosed food addicts need to follow the same food plan and eliminate the same processed foods?  What are safe elimination strategies for food-addicted clients?  Are there approaches to eliminating processed foods that could actually hurt food addicts? How can practitioners avoid re-traumatizing clients into the distress of diets?

Very entertaining and motivating.

A presentation well worth sharing far and wide.

-CME Feedback

Processed Foods and Mental Health

Anticipating barriers: processed foods can drive mental health issues.

Practitioners and human resources managers alike want to know where the epidemics of mental health issues come from and how to alleviate the distress of depression and anxiety. This presentation walks the audience through a dramatic re-framing of the mental challenges experienced by people in westernized cultures who eat an average of one pound of processed foods per person per day .  Audiences take away easily understood ways to gain more control over mental, emotional, and behavioral issues.

Knowledge of this subject helps us to sympathize

with our patients and employees,

and to determine useful strategies for making progress towards goals.

 -CME Feedback

About Dr. Ifland

Learn about Dr. Ifland's journey to find a reliable method for putting processed food addiction into remission.


Contact Dr. Ifland and her staff.


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