Food Addiction Reset Dr Joan Ifland's Community Blog
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Banishing Weight Stigma

Issue No. 39 | Brought to you by the Addiction Reset Community – ARC
Unlocking the secrets of processed food addiction and guiding you to find freedom from food and weight obsession.

Banishing self-stigmatization is one of the kindest things we can do for ourselves.

For people who are working on regaining control over food, internalized weight stigma can make recovery more difficult. Self-blame, shame and criticism on the basis of body shape and size is a hurtful behavior that has been taught to us. 


Getting free from weight stigma is a critical aspect of food addiction recovery. Studies reveal that self-stigmatization creates a harmful barrier to getting proper support to regain control over food, and may also drive eating disorders. Research has revealed some of the major causes of weight stigma.


8 Drivers of weight stigma:

  • Health awareness programs: 

Research reveals that health awareness programs can reinforce weight bias. Programs that focus on body size and s...

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Why does Residential Rehab Fail To Address Processed Food Addiction?

Issue No. 38 | Brought to you by the Addiction Reset Community – ARC
Unlocking the secrets of processed food addiction and guiding you to find freedom from food and weight obsession.

Processed food addiction (PFA) is a “severe addiction” that meets the 11 diagnostic criteria outlined in the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic manual, the DSM-5. PFA  recovery is also complicated by many complications that make it harder to stop lapsing. This degree of severity requires recovery support at the level of residential rehab.  


However, two major challenges emerge with residential rehab. Firstly, the exorbitant costs of residential programs make them likely to be inaccessible to the majority of the estimated 2 billion people who are struggling with PFA. Secondly, and more importantly, residential rehab programs simply do not work for long-term recovery from PFA. Research shows that people go home from a residential rehab facility and experience relapse - sometimes as soon as...

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